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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Against All Odds

Image by Janet
Sometimes I feel like this little clover plant. Determined to take root and thrive against all odds. Do you ever feel like that?
Until next kind and stay creative...and THRIVE!


  1. What a great photo and analogy. I may post this to look at frequently to remind me to 'just hang on'.

  2. What a fab photo Janet! Hope you are thriving :) x

  3. Have a feeling thats a shamrock plant. Clover tends to have pink flowers. My Dad used to have lots of shamrock and his had yellow flowers like yours. Gorgeous photo and happy memories for me so thanks for sharing it.
    A x

  4. Oh yes,Janet. I know exactly how that feels. Keep hangin in there:>)

  5. I have always thrived no matter where life has taken me. I just don't believe in ever giving up even when life is a bit bumpy. Guess I am a clover.


  6. Your picture reminds me of a little plant that I saw a few weeks back by the dam. The water was overflowing and there on the cement apron is a plant... just hanging on for dear life; but growing and thriving. How it ever managed to start out there in the first place was just amazing. I guess a lesson learned ~ no matter what adversities we face if we just hang in there we'll thrive.
