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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Tutorial Tuesday With Hope Studios

Hello friends..I have a few spare minutes , so I thought I would share my recent glitter project.
I have some oval canvas placemats that I had painted years ago. I decided to cut them up and create some pretty holiday ornaments for my home and to sell. So here we go...
You can still purchase canvas placemats at Michaels or maybe use stiff watercolor paper.

I used a friends  Sissix Big Kick cutter to cut my giant snowflakes, but I could have just as easily handcut stars of simpler snowflakes. Holiday tree shapes would be pretty also.

Close-up of my snowflake

I brushed on a liberal layer of white craft glue

Then sprinkled them with a nice thick coating of glitter. I often use German Glass glitter or you can use all the beautiful colors of Martha Stewart Glitter..also available at Michaels.

I save all my disposable pie tins for projects like this. You can recapture the glitter and pour it back into it's container. Glitter goes a very long way.

I tied pretty ribbons on some and used simple silver ornament hangers.

Gold..Silver..Red and many festive colors

I took a tree branch and sprayed it white and will use it to display my holiday ornaments at the Holiday Fair on Friday

I also used the same technique to make my glitter holiday words that I cut from recycled cereal boxes.

How inexpensive is that? It's pretty much...dare I say!
So until next kind and stay creative.
Head over to Hope Studios for lot's of other cool tutorials and tell Jenn that I sent you!
P.S....A word of niece calls glitter the herpes of the craft world. I was not sure what she meant until I got into this will find glitter in places you never thought you would and just when you think you have cleaned it all shows up again. It never ...ever goes away  ;-)
Three days later I found some in the upstairs linen closet...what the heck!!!!


  1. Great idea, they are beautiful!!!! Thanks for sharing.

  2. these are so cute :)

    1 question, do you pour the extra glitter back to the bottle once done?

  3. Oh ya... glitter ends up EVERYWHERE! But it's fun and makes some gorgeous decorations.


  4. Mei asks:

    1 question, do you pour the extra glitter back to the bottle once done?

    Yes you do and you will be surprised how little glitter is actually used up.

    Janet xox

  5. Great project Janet! It doesn't look too hard, but very charming. Thanks for posting it...I think I've learned the secret to why you are able to get so much accomplished. You must never sleep!

  6. I love glitter! I don't even care that it shows up everywhere (like my hubby's mustache, much to his horror! lol) Great projects Janet. You would never know they were recycled!

  7. Great project, I love it! Thank you for the inspiration!

  8. Beautiful ideas Janet. Years ago I helped the small grandchildren make ornaments ...cutting small scenes from old unused Christmas cards. We glittered the edges or small sections with glue and salt :) I still have them!

  9. Beautiful...just don't use the vacum to clean it
