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Saturday, April 23, 2011

Is This What Heaven Smells LIke?

Hello friends...can you just imagine the aromas floating through the air?
1997 official poster
Lilac Festival
May 13th-22nd
Rochester, New York

I want to go, anyone want to come with me !!!


  1. Oh yes, the lilac is out over here, I can smell it on the gardens on the High Street, gorgeous!

  2. Oh it does sound lovely. I love lilacs. I wish that I wasn't so far away.

  3. I have several lilac bushes in my back yard and I can't wait until they bloom next month! I gather them by the armload and fill up the house! Mackinaw Island has a lilac festival too:>) Happy Easter Janet!

  4. Would gladly join the time we get to the lake the flowers are gone....and we cant grow them in TX. Take a big wifffff for me !

  5. A Lilac festival, I'm in and I'd probably pop my secatuers into my pocket just in case some of the plants needed a little pruning.............

    I looooove Lilac, how wonderful for someone to have a Lilac festival.

    Now you have me thinking of Spring Janet and I'm yet to finish Autumn and go through WInter........

    Hope your weekend is going well,

    Claire X

  6. The Smell Of Spring!!
    Can't wait!
    A Be-lated Happy Easter to you!!!
