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My YouTube Channel

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Things My Camera Loves

Hello friends...thanks so much for visiting again. Before the slide show begins, I would like to thank you for all the lovely comments. I really enjoy hearing what you have to say and I try to respond to each of you. If I miss sorry, sometimes I simply run out of hours in the day. But please know you are all appreciated.
So this is what my camera has been loving lately......

The view from my back deck when a weekend storm is passing through.
The gorgeous color of my redbud trees in the  back yard. These beauties had sprouted within the last few years all on their own...perfect!
My thriving Clematis that seems to rise from the dead each Spring and not stop until November
The lovely pear trees that line my long driveway and showoff pristine white blooms each year.
My favorite chippy blue punched tin cabinet that hold some very special treasures from many nature walks.
She is chippy...rusty and shabby, but isn't she pretty? Thrifted, of course.
Abandoned and fallen birds nests.
My favorite is the tiny one on top...only about one and a half inches precious and very delicate.
The purple phlox is putting on a beautiful show. They creep along my front sidewalk.
Tiny scented Muscari are popping up everywhere...even in the grass!
I don't have a lot of tulips, but what I do have planted are some very nice yellow and red ones.
Don't you just love perennials? They dutifully return each year.
Great for bouquets 
My camera loves seeing the secret agents tomato seeds sprouting...Ooops...their identity was a secret!
I'm in trouble now  ;-<
American Goldfinch
Very happy to see my 'party birds' have returned. Gorgeous color and songs. We call them party birds because they always come in large groups and seem to sing "Woohoo..Woohoo"
Breakfast time!

I'm loving the rosy color of the finch on the left.
But what my camera was silly excited for this week was finding not one, but two packages all the way from the Cotswolds.
Meet my newest adoptees. Miss. Goosey is on the left and my darling Millie is on the right.
You all know Gretel by now and the fabulous hand needle felted creations she makes.
Well, Miss Millie had been sold (to my dismay) but then it was announced that she was available again. know I pounced on that! After all Mildred is my middle name.....really. I always hated that name as a child, but now I love it.
How can you not fall in love with that pearl studded blouse?
Both creations are exquisite and I am so pleased to own them. 
PS....Miss Goosey was very busy during her trip over the pond...she laid two Cadbury Creme Eggs !!
So that's what my camera has been loving this about you? 
Have you been equally as surrounded by beauty?
Leave me a comment and tell me about it!
Until next kind and stay creative.


  1. Wow you do live in Gods country,,just beautiful..thanks so much for taking us on a tour of your surrounding.

  2. I collect fallen nests too! I am always amazed at the work it must take to build such a sturdy structure with grass and hair with a beak!

  3. They arrived quickly! Goosey looks very smart next to that pretty patchwork quilt, she has moved up in the world! But, I love love love that top photo of your view, whenever I think of where your live I have that outloook in mind, it's spectacular!

  4. you take some wonderful photos. The view from you back porch, makes a little jealous that I have neighbors back yards to look at with fences in the way.

  5. I love the first image....the view from your back deck. Just beautiful! I pinned this on my Pinterest board. If you haven't checked out Pinterest are sooooo missing out! It's like visual eye candy overload! Here's a link if your interested in seeing it...

  6. Such eye candy my dear!.. I jealous of your birds. I need to get more feeders to I too may enjoy such a happy scene!

    Maddie- The D.A.

  7. I love the first picture. Makes me want to take a trip to the country.

  8. I certainly hope you are framing the shot of the storm and hanging it in your home. It's perfect and so indicative of a midwestern stormy sky. Just love it!


  9. B - E - A - U - T - I - F - U - L!!!
    My West Michigan here, is no-wheres near the "Spring Look" you got going on there!!

    Loved looking at your pics!!! Thanks!!

    By the way....could you share the name, model, or make of the camera you took your pics with!!
    Curious and Inquiring Minds would like to know!!! :)

  10. I love the fact that it doesn't matter where you are in the world a tomato seedling looks much the same!

    x H

  11. The Gold Finch photo is my new desktop art!

  12. Ahhh So Pretty! Don't cha just love spring! Welcome to Miss Goosey and Millie!! Hope you are going to let them watch "The Wedding"! Thanks for sharing!!

    Katy :)

  13. HI there! I love all of your bEAUTIFUL pictures!!! We are not that far into Spring yet. I do have ONE tulip blooming, that the deer didn't get to:(. We just opened up the pond too but won't turn on the pumps for a week or so. The goldfinches are gorgeous! I think the SMALL nest might have been a hummingbird's nest!!!!!!!!!!!! XO, Pinky

  14. Hi Janet
    been trying to put a comment on your blog for ages, but my stupid computer won't let me!
    As usual your photos are glorious - Spring is just the best season.
    And a major thank you for your continuing messages on my blog. It means a lot to me that you take the time.
    Marion x

  15. Oh honey your party birds are absolutely gorgeous! I would love to have their cousins in my yard. Wow your really great with your camera too capturing such good photo's.
    Glad I came by today

  16. Wow that storm photo is incredible! I'd love to live somewhere with open sky like that. sigh

  17. Your storm looks very dramatic! Your greens are almost electric. Your birds are the prettiest in the world and the colors of flowers around you are just gorgeous. No wonder your camera fell in love with so many things!
