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Saturday, July 2, 2011

A Chalk Painter's Worst Nightmare!

Are words even needed to express my anguish???


  1. Ohhh...I feel your pain! At the price of the paint, that's like $$ down the drain. I hope you were able to scoop some of it up to use.

  2. Fooey! Were you able to pour most of it back into the can? My husband always suggests I keep my paint bucket sitting in a pan for this very reason. Works especially well for smaller paint cans like this one.

  3. AHHHHH!!!! I would have not been a happy girl about that one at all ~

  4. Oh dear. I hope you were able to salvage some of that! Been there and done that, not with chalk paint, but spilled paint is always a heart stopping experience!

  5. Uh oh!! Like everyone else, I hope you were able to save some. That's not cheap paint!

  6. Oh dear, you poor thing!

    Pomona x

  7. Nooooooooooooooo! I wish I could give you a hug or a treat to eat!

  8. That's heart-stoppingly awful ! I've done that too .... I think we all have . Not that that makes it any better .
    Breathe deeply and think nice thoughts .... as you scoop .

  9. Ouch!

    Janet, I must say you endear yourself to me more each post. This is something that would certainly happen to me. :)

  10. Woops, just as well it was on the dropcloth too.........

    Hope you could scoop it up and reuse it Janet.

    Claire :}

  11. Hello everyone!

    Thank you for all the sweet comments about my mental health after this disaster.

    All is well....I was able to scoop up 99% of my Old White chalk paint and the remaining 1% I sopped up with a piece of toast and ate it for breakfast.

    That's right...I'm not wasting ANY of this stuff!


    Janet xox

  12. Oh no!!!

    I had to laugh. Definitely not at your misfortune - I'm sorry about your spill! But rather at the fact that your instinct was to take a picture. I would have done the same thing. Hope you were able to salvage some!


  13. Scoop is right girlfriend! Hey, at least you didn't step in it...not that I know anyone who has done that...

  14. Well the breakfast thing must have been chalky girl! You are funny...

  15. Where r u located.? Is the treadle still for sale? How much?? Ty

  16. So...does it cover on fabric as well as on other surfaces? You never know, maybe you've just started a new trend in the blogging world!

  17. Looks like a replay of something that happened to me. Ugh

    Happy 4th

  18. Good!

  19. Oh, I literally gasped. Such horrors! :-)

  20. I am SO glad you were able to scoop it up. I was almost in need of therapy.
    Fondly, Tami

  21. I did the same thing with chalk paint! TWICE!! actually three times, but one of those times it wasn't only a 1/4 can! clearly I should not be allowed to hold a paint can- esp a full paint can- after painting in the sun all day without eating or drinking anything other than route 44 sonic teas (yes plural). all times i dropped the can it was late, i was tired and gratefully was able to scoop most of it back up.
    I'm not all that graceful anyway...
