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My YouTube Channel

Saturday, December 10, 2011

I'm feeling the Season......

I couldn't help myself...had to make a bunch of these sweet little ornaments.
I tried to resist,
but to no avail
I was smitten!
Such is the life of a blogger.

Darn you Craftberry Bush!!!

Until next kind and stay creative.


  1. Yes, that Craftberry Bush has bee tempting me lately too! LOL

  2. Your snow globe is adorable! Love reading your blog.

  3. Resistance is futile Janet, just go with the flow and enjoy it.......

    It's very cute, would love to see a teeny, tiny deer in there too, hehe.....

    Claire :}

  4. That is so cute. I have a growing affection for these little trees. I love to sprinkle then all throughthe house:>)

  5. Oh goodie..........another one I have to make. Got the glass ornaments so I must have to run to the $Tree. Isn't this the most fun time of year?

  6. Too cute! I see why you HAD to make some!

  7. Oooooh, pretty! Loved seeing all your crafty Christmas decs on your last post Janet - truly inspirational! I'm a little behind in my comments but still reading - really like the sheet music decorations - very 'Dickens' I thought!! :D
