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Saturday, February 25, 2012

~Oh Annie Sloan....You crack me up~

Hello will be happy to know
 that I found my blogging Mojo!!!!
It was with me all the time
I just needed something wonderful to blog about.

And here it is
Annie Sloan's new crackling medium
Craqueleur is a unique two step crackling process.
What's that you already have a crackling medium
in your painting tool box.
Well baby get ready to toss that one out.
Annie's Craqueleur does'nt crackle the paint
it is a top coat of crackling varnish.
It will let you easily achieve that aged crackle appearance
that we love in our Ironstone and china.

I picked up this cute little table a while back
Since crackling is better suited to smaller surfaces
than large table tops, I thought this would be perfect.

I painted two coats of Antoinette

I applied one coat of Craqueleur's Step 1
It is fairly thin and went on super easy.
I used very little and I think this small jar is going 
to be good for quite a few projects.

It dried very fast and very shiny...I thought it was still wet.

Next I applied a thin coat of Craqueleur Step 2.
This product is much thicker and the thinner you apply it, the smaller the cracks.
Annie says you can let it dry by itself or hit it with a blow dryer
I chose the blow dryer method.

within a couple of minutes....

After applying dark wax, all the gorgeous cracks and crevices
are beautifully highlighted.

This is how the common crackle medium works
The medium crackles the top coat of paint

Annie's crackle is on top of the paint, which is more authentic.
I really adore this product
Finally I will be able to get that aged eggshell crackle that I love on old finishes.
This is such a different look from the craft store crackle medium

The dark wax and clear top coat of wax 
really brings out the beauty of this product

I am so excited by all the possibilities.
Maybe just add a touch of age to a corner of a dresser top
or the edge of a table......

Isn't she pretty?
I will definitely be ordering this AS product for my Fox Den shop.

Stay tuned for some really wonderful 
Annie Sloan 
That's all I can say for now
sorry...I know that is so bad of me

Until next kind and stay creative.

Sharing here this week



  1. Turned out SUPER!! Looking forward to seeing your next re-do with this product. :-))

  2. Oh, I love the way that turned out. I guess I will be trying this, too.

  3. How awesome is that? I Love the way your table turned out and the crackle finish it left.

  4. I got a chance to play with that today at my first ever Annie Sloan paint workshop. Awesome fun, and that table is so sweet. Much nicer crackle than others I have worked with.

  5. Oh I will be getting this for sure! It looks great.

  6. oooohhhhh ~ I like I like. I even have that exact same little table sitting in my bedroom right now that could use an upgrade-downgrade to a crackle. Thanks for the tutorial:)

  7. Very nice! Is it true that you can make make AS paint crackle by drying it with a dryer?

  8. Very nice finish! I'm your newest follower and I would love for you to share this on my little party:

    Hope to see you there!

  9. Wow, good ol' Annie simplifying decorating for us, thanks for sharing!

  10. What fun Janet!You make it look so easy...and I suppose it really is. The crackle effect is a nice one. One of these days I'll actually get my hands on some of that paint and then my house, I'm sure, will never be the same.

  11. Fun! I love this effect. Looks like real crazing on furniture!!! Going to be buying this stuff for sure!!!

  12. It seems so ironic to be intentionally creating an aged cracked varnish finish, considering how many of these I stripped off while refinishing furniture in the 80s and 90s. Tastes change, mine included, and I find that I'm now most attracted to finishes with the appearance of true age ... and this looks like it does the trick! Love it.

  13. One more thing ...

    You were painting on your kitchen table????

    Well, ASCP doesn't have stinky fumes, and it doesn't drip hardly at all, and I almost never cause any splatter ... so I guess it's okay to paint wherever you are when you get the urge.


  14. Oh Janet! That is so SO pretty! I absolutely love demilune table's and have a collection awaiting transformation!

    The crackle finish is beautiful. Yes, a blow dryer does a "form" of crackle but not the small delicate sections like that. Depends on the piece you're doing and the end results you're looking for.

    That is a beautiful piece! I love looking at your blog!

  15. I am so glad you are showing off the Annie Sloan products...the best finishes I've seen! I'm going to redo our kitchen tabletop and I will be using A S products.

  16. that looks nice. Really good. Glad you got your mojo back.

  17. Great result, and you have definitely got your Mojo back!

  18. This really is a different crackle look and I think it looks more authentic! Great job, and thanks for showingus your results:>)

  19. Yay for the mojo! I think this is more like finishes really crackle, I love it!

  20. Love this Janet! I'm linking to your tutorial in my latest post.
