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Thursday, May 31, 2012

~ Sneak Peaks ~

Hello friends....I feel like such a blogging schmuck! I don't mean to be so absent, I just have a lot going on in my life right now. 
I have been wanting to share some of what I have been busy with and just now have had the extra time to put this post together.

Here is just a little sneak peak of a few furniture pieces I have been refurbishing.
I was lucky enough to snag many of these pieces at local animal charity rummage sale.
I picked up some awesome furniture and helped some deserving animals at the same time.
Gotta love that!
Pay no attention to the sleeping Miss. Carmen.
All these pieces will be for sale in my new shop at 92 Main Street  very soon.

I have started to work on lot's of colorful aprons and was trying to come up with a creative way to display them.
I love the gorgeous paper mache body forms that I have seen in high end catalogs, 
but I don't love the price.  

I decided to create my own!
My local Costco sells bathing suits on  these cool plastic body forms.
I talked the employees into letting me have a few extras that customers had elected to leave behind.
I pulled out all my fabric scraps, my scissors and some Matte Mod Podge.
After a lot of snipping and pasting, I ended up with some beautiful shabby chic boddy forms.
I think my Couture Aprons will look great on these ladies.

I also was thrilled to find this gorgeous Jacobean dining room set. I also bought the dining room table with three leaves (leafs?) and 6 chairs.
Pristine condition and I even have two keys to lock the china cabinet.
The price was soooooo right!
My good friend Kathy of Shumate Auction House, sold me this great hutch.
Perfect for displaying lots of Annie Sloan Chalk Paint™ Brand Decorative Paints and supplies.
I have two ladies coming Friday to spiff up the wood floors at the shop and then I can begin moving my things in and decorating.
I finally have internet and phone service and love my new shop number.
I had it memorized in 5 minutes!
Little by little it is all coming together and although life has been  pretty hectic, I am still taking time to appreciate the beauty around me.

Like the beautiful moon tonight and the sweet heart shaped, morning dew coated leaves of my favorite Redbud tree.
Helps me keep it all in prospective.
Until next kind and stay creative.
PS....just got the word that I will be one of the stockists representing the Annie Sloan Unfolded Brand at the Atlanta HAVEN blogging conference on June 21-22. If you are going, be sure to stop by and say "Hello".
I am looking forward to meeting many of my blogging friends and  sharing lot's of great CHALK PAINT™ information.


  1. Hey Janet, sounds like it's all coming together, piece, by piece.....

    Great furniture you've picked up and excellent idea for using the body forms. You are one creative gal....

    You will have to give us a tour of the shop when it's all set up and of course we all know how hectic you are, so no apology needed...

    Good to see you are making more aprons, I thought they might have gone by the wayside, with all the furniture makeovers happening.

    Enjoy your weekend,

    Claire x

  2. How cool, love those pieces! And what a creative idea for the aprons!

  3. Well worth waiting for Janet! I just LOVE your body forms! Oh I really want to make one just like it. Such a great idea. The furniture is so...well BROWN right now. I can't wait to see how you transform it!

  4. You have some fantastic pieces there, Janet, and how great that you helped the animal charity in the process. Miss Carmen looked very relaxed there!
    Your body forms are very impressive.

  5. I am soooo excited for you (and us!) and can't wait to see all of this in the new shop! And I love the forms!!! So very creative!!!

  6. The Jacobean buffet / sideboard is to die for! Will you be painting it or leaving natural wood?

  7. Wow, Janet, you have been busy! Look at all that great furniture! I love it. Genius asking about those bathing suit forms. They will work wonderfully for your aprons. I can't wait to see that and more of your shop as these pieces make their way into it.

  8. LOVE the new apron displays..

  9. I have often walked past the bathing suit displays at Costco, knowing that there was something creative to be done with those plastic forms. Leave it to you to figure out a way to use them so creatively!

  10. Looks like you have been in overdrive~lots of creative ideas and beautiful furniture the white chest on legs you show in your collage. Enjoy Haven~wish I could go!

  11. I love the dress forms for your beautiful aprons to be shown off on. All the furniture is wondeful. I can see your studio and your look of it and it will be so beautiful Janet! We are all so proud of you our friend!! Excited

  12. You are one busy lady! I don't know how you do it all... I can't WAIT till the shop opens, and that idea from Costco is inspired!
    Have a great weekend...

  13. But.......Janet.....What have you been doing in your SPARE time? You are doing a wonderful job on everything. I LOVE those forms for your aprons. What a clever idea. They will be perfect for your aprons. Blessings- can't wait to see the whole set up- xo Diana

  14. No worries Janet, creating and life take time, ands you're going toshow us the store and aprons and cute furniture when it's ready right? Worth the wait!

  15. It looks like you've been really busy! I love how the body forms have turned out, and what a good idea.

    How could anyone not pay attentions to the sleeping Miss Carmen? She looks adorable.

  16. Janet, Thank you dearly for making a visit to my place and taking the time to comment, you are way to pure & good.

    Now janet run get yourself another of those swimsuit forms and what I would do is make a paper mache' and cover the front and then let it harden up to then take and cover it in areas of art ephemera paper book pages, then even bejewel it here and there making a hanger on the back side to hang it like art....I hope I am not butting in on your wonderfully inspiring project, yet on the other hand when I saw this my brain went crazy with dress form idea's :)

    Have a beautiful Sunday, keep inspiring all your wonderful projects.


  17. you are one busy productive woman...good for you!! how fun it must be to be so creative....that talent skipped me...
    I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.

  18. Using those bathing suit forms is pure genius! I love how things are shaping up :)

  19. OMG Annie is ASCP is keeping us so busy, I love it! Great piece of furniture you got for displaying the paint!! love it!! Look forward to see the pics of your new shop!! All the best

