Friday, July 6, 2012

~My Grand Opening ~

It's almost time.
The Empty Nest
 Grand Opening 
is just around the corner and you are all invited!!
Clear you calendars on 
July 20th
because that's the day I get to cut the red ribbon and declare
 The Empty Nest
open for business.
I have been very busy getting the shop space ready for all of my wonderful customers.
I spend my days 
putting it all together.
While I am working, women have been peeking in the windows 
and asking if they can take a look inside.
One nice woman asked to buy one of my painted vintage doors!
My inventory has been arriving...
I took delivery of my very first shop packages yesterday...
Yup, I have my own Fed-Ex guy!!
I always wanted one of those.

Remember this view of 92 Main Suite 102?
Well it's totally filled now!!!!!
Mr.Secret Agent has today off and we will be spending a marathon three days 
getting lot's done.
Stay tuned for all the 
Grand Opening 
I would LOVE to see as many of my 
blog readers as possible come out to say 

Until next kind and stay creative!


Gretel said...

Argh! I cannot wait - too much! Good luck with the opening, may you be rushed off your feet and the shop emptied. XX (PS - I hope you've notified your local paper about your opening - get the press there, seriously, and plug the English/Annie Sloane/Oxford angle)

Kelly Ann said...

I will so be there....WOOT WOOT

Kathleen Grace said...

I would SO be there if I could! COngratulations Janet! I am so excited for you nd I can't wait to see some photos!

Linda at French Hollow said...

I'm so happy for you! The store is going to be a HUGE success, I just know it!

Claire said...

Oh Janet, I am sooooo excited for you.

Would love to be there day maybe!!

Have a wonderful grand opening, I can't wait to see pics of all the fabulous things you have filled that space with.
I hope you can find time in amongst the busy ness to put your feet up for five minutes, take care......

CLaire x

Claire said...

Oh Janet, I am sooooo excited for you.

Would love to be there day maybe!!

Have a wonderful grand opening, I can't wait to see pics of all the fabulous things you have filled that space with.
I hope you can find time in amongst the busy ness to put your feet up for five minutes, take care......

CLaire x

Connie in Hartwood said...

It's really happening! I am so excited for you!! That empty shell of a beautiful space is becoming cozy and wonderful ... I love all the fantastic things you have in there so far. I'm totally bummed that I won't be around for the craziness of the grand opening on the 20th ... I will be there in spirit, however, and every day after that whenever you need me.

I am so proud of you!

Debbie Hayes said...

Good luck on your new adventure Janet. Knowing you, it will be wonderful!

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

Wish I lived close enough I would be there. How exciting!

Nancy @ Sea Rose Cottage said...

So excited for you Janet! The space looks fabulous and will even look more wonderful with all of your goodies inside. Can't wait to see photos from your Grand Opening. Good luck with all!

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

Very exciting, Janet! I can't wait to see a picture of that space filled up!

Leigh Powell Hines said...

That's awesome. Congrats!

Nan ~ Playful Decor said...

Congrats! I cannot wait to see it all!

Amy Chalmers said...

I can't wait to see the photo of the room filled with furniture and your doors and the displays!! I know exactly how exciting this is and only wish I could share it in person with you!

Shaunna said...

Congratulations, sweet friend!!! Cannot wait to see it! :-)

NanaDiana said...

I can't wait to see this area all dressed up and ready for opening. I see you have TheSecretAgent in your family, too? That is my code name on my blog for my dil. She is a federal agent. Gotta love those secret agents in our lives. xo Diana

TJM wanna be quilt artist said...

please please take lots of photos for us people that are unable to attend..I know your inventory will be long gone by the time I make it to Warrenton. have you painted the stuff we gave you yet?

Vicki said...

Maybe our hubbys know each other - heehee! Congratulations on your new adventure. I will be following you very closely as I am right behind you with a shoppe opening! Anything you can share is soooo appreciated!! What went right..what went wrong...what you would do differently, what you wouldn't change for the world! Have fun!

Amy @ 11Magnolialane said...

I was just wondering if you had opened! I will be in town that week, what wonderful timing. I am so excited! A new fun store in Warrenton--and its your store to boot! Can't wait to meet you, and I will be sure to drag Terry along with me as well.
Best of luck!

Tammy at Tammy Loves Dishes said...

Very exciting, Janet! Can't wait to see your new shop so a Warrenton road trip is definitely going to happen!

Little Blue Mouse said...

Ooh how exciting, I can't wait to see it all kitted out for the grand opening!

andrea@townandprairie said...

Good luck and many blessings for a successful start!

Glaudius said...

Unfortunately some of your blog readers live thousands of miles away. We will be watching your Grand Opening from this side of your computer screen.

Justine said...

How very exciting! Congratulations on your grand opening of your shop. I will try to stop by to check it out.

Lady Courtney said...

I'll be there !!! Cannot wait!!! :)

Anonymous said...

How very exciting! I wish you lots and lots of success. I only wish I could pop in.

deborah@confessions of a craigslist junkie said...

I'm so happy for you Janet! I'm planning on coming on the 20th and really looking forward to seeing your beautiful new space. If you need any extra help with anything please just let me know.

Country Cottage Chic said...

How fantastic! Wishing you the best of luck & looking forward to seeing photos.


Anonymous said...

Susan Emory gave me your info about chalk paint. Unfortunately we're going back to Florida before your opening. Do you ship paint?

Erin said...

If I lived closer, I'd be there, Janet. But I'm looking forward to visiting in September!! Good luck in your final preparations and I know the grand opening will be a most fabulous success!

Take care,

Becky Mckenzie said...

How very exciting! Congratulations on your grand opening of your shop. I will try to stop by to check it out.