Monday, December 24, 2012

~ Merry Christmas..Feliz Navidad..Happy Christmas..Joyeux Noel..Nollaig Shona Duit ~

Hello friends...
No matter how you say it, 
my wish for you and your loved ones is for the warmest and
 happiest holiday season.
Merry Christmas
Happy Holidays!


Saturday, December 22, 2012

~ Holiday decorating at the Metzger's ~

Hello friends...thought I would share some Metzger holiday decor with you today.

Here is the downstairs powder room....
1. Santa...check
2. fluffy white stuff...check

3. Lovely little holiday tree inside sweet white picket fence...check
However the sad part about this is that these decorations have been here 
Don't judge me
Happy last weekend before Christmas everyone!!!

Until next time kind and stay creative.


Wednesday, December 19, 2012

~ Miss Mustard Seed Book Signing ~

Hello friends.....what a wonderful day we had at 
The Empty Nest.
Me and Miss Mustard Seed
Marian Parsons, aka Miss Mustard Seed, came for a visit.
Marian's blog was one of the first blogs I started reading back in 2008, when I first began blogging.
I remember when she had a few thousand readers. 
Now I believe she has readers well over 10,000!
Writes for various design and DIY magazines,
launched her own line of Milk Paint colors
and has recently written a book..
She has been a very busy lady! 
OH Yeah...and she has two sweet little boys and a handsome husband she takes care of.

We set up a nice table for Marian to sit at and tried to make her feel at home.
Recognize the fabric???
I took some of her Milk Paint color cards and sewed them on my machine for a great little bunting for the front of the table.
Some holiday trees and a beautiful antique glass cloche filled with real cotton branches set the 
Miss Mustard Seed mood quite nicely.

Before we opened the doors to the shop, I took a moment to take a photo of the wonderful ladies who help me keep it all running smoothly.
Left to right is Carol, Cheryl and Connie...the three C's in my creative life.
I love these talented and trustworthy women..thanks ladies!!

The shop filled up quite quickly and stayed that way for most of the afternoon.

While waiting for their turn for an autograph, most did a little holiday shopping. 
I am proud to say that all the holiday decorations in the shop were handmade with love.

Marian was very gracious and spent time with each customer.

Sweet inscriptions were added to everyones books.

Even the babies came out to see Marian.

Friends chatted and holiday refreshments were enjoyed.

I have the BEST and most loyal customers!

Connie, Donna, me and Jennifer
It was a lovely day of friends and holiday joy

My dear friend Holly came by and I made sure my son Sean took a nice photo of us.
Holly is the kindest lady and her Mom and Dad even stopped by.

Holly painted the beautiful Tricycle Red chairs in the shop.
Need a pair of sweet upholstered chairs...they are waiting for a good home!

The day was made extra special by the addition of Marian's family. Her two boys are about as cute as they get. Mr. Mustard Seed is what I believe the South refers to as 'A tall drink of water'.
Oh Yeah...pretty darn cute.

Lot's of posing took place

Hello Marian!
Wonder if it felt strange writing "Dear Marian"

Even Marian got into the picture snapping mode.
I was hoping she would enjoy the vignette of the real Cotton plant under the antique glass cloche.

Marshall..Marian's mini me
Oldest son Marshall got in on the fun and signed his name for one of my good friends Mindy.
She was a very good sport and Marshall was adorable.

Getting a little with Mommy's fringe.

My oldest son Billy was at a table doing Milk Paint demonstrations.
He answered questions about Milk Paint and Chalk Paint™.
He is becoming very knowledgable on both topics.

Yummy Milk Paint colors

I think it helped for customers to see what Milk Paint looked like after mixing it with water.

Yes was the Perfect Day to have a
Many thanks to my friend Marian for taking time from her hectic holiday schedule to come visit 
The Empty Nest.
I loved having you and your family and hope you enjoyed it as well.

Until next kind and stay creative.

PS.....please do come back as I am planning a GIVEAWAY this week!
Remember the wonderful 'How to Slipcover' DVD I gave away last year. Well Shelley from 
is giving me another DVD to raffle off!!

I created this slip after studying her DVD and believe was not hard. Anyone given the correct instruction can do this.
You won't want to miss that chance to own this DIY DVD, as Shelley is a master of the art of slipcovers.
See you soon 


Monday, December 17, 2012

~ The Empty Nest January Class Schedule ~

Hello friends....

The January class schedule for
 The Empty Nest
has just been posted!

I have added a Vintage Couture Apron class!
Come join the fun
Hope to see you in class..
The Empty Nest
92 Main Street suite 102
(between 4th & 5th St.)
Warrenton, Va 20186

Until next kind and stay creative


Friday, December 14, 2012

~ It's this weekend!! ~

courtesy Miss Mustard Seed
Hello this Saturday is the big day!
Marian Parsons, aka Miss Mustard Seed is coming to
The Empty Nest

vis Inspired You
We are so excited here in the shop. Marian will be visiting and signing copies of her new book
by Thomas Nelson Publishers
This DIY/Inspirational book is filled with beautiful photos..great decorating advice 
and tons of 'how to's'.
All while helping you to keep it all in prospective.

My handsome and talented son Billy, will be showing us how to create lovely painted pieces with 
Miss Mustard Seed Milk Paint and my second handsome and talented son Sean, will be the photographer for the day.

I plan on making this an all day holiday party, 
so please tell your friends that they are all invited!!
The Empty Nest
is open from 10am-5pm
Marian will be in the shop from
Copies of 'Inspired You' will be available for purchase prior to signing.
$20.00 will buy you loads of inspiration and beauty!
I hope to give Marian a warm and enthusiastic 
to lovely
Old Town Warrenton!
Here is a shout out to all my local friends...
Let's show Marian how we do it here in Old Town and give her a book signing she will not forget!!
Did you know Marian used to live out this way?

So that's it for now...I have sooooo much to do today and thankfully will have my good friend Connie from Hartwood Roses blog to help.
For those of you who have never been to The Empty Nest....look for the Winter Wonderland big shop window!!
The Empty Nest
92 Main Street
Suite 102
(next to B-Boutique)
Hope to see all of you on Saturday!!!!

Until next kind and stay creative.


Saturday, December 1, 2012

~ The Empty Nest winter window~Chalk Paint™~German Glass Glitter~Miss Mustard Seed Milk Paint~Antique sheet music~an Apprentice~ and More~ think the post title is long...wait until you read this post!
Get ready for lot's of photos

As much as I loved my Autumn window display.

I LOVE, LOVE my Winter window!!!!!!!
I wanted to reproduce the feel of quiet serenity after a snowfall.
The antique window greenhouse that my dear friend and blogger Connie, of Hartwood Roses, was emptied of it's pumpkins and gourds and now is is sporting a coat of snow, a lovely lit tree and snowy tree boughs...and of course a can of Chalk Paint™ in White!
The minute I spotted the tiny deer with his head tilted upward as if to gaze at something wonderful, I knew I had to give him something magical to look at.
My oldest son Billy made me this gorgeous antique sheet music wreath.
I showed him once and he just ran with it.
The real German glass glitter really helps to stabilize the delicateness of the paper tips.

As you enter The Empty Nest, you are greeted by white lights...snowy branches and TONS of German  glass glitter!

One of my favorite handmade ornaments that I am offering this year are the tree in the snow glass balls.
I just want to climb in, lay down and make a snow angel

My little Romantic Homes Magazine Winter Forest trees are proving to be very big sellers.
I'm on my third batch, so if you are thinking of bringing one home...don't wait too long!

Annie Sloan had mentioned that she loved seeing her Chalk Paint™ being used to create lovely holiday ornaments, so I thought I would give it a go.
This one was created using Old White and imported French gilding wax..hope Annie approves!

Restyled wooden curtain rings, Antoinette Chalk Paint™,antique sheet music and German glass glitter, with a pretty bow...PERFECT!

Love how this ribbon matches the wreath on this vintage holiday card in  the ring.
Again, Primer Red Chalk Paint™ and German glass you notice a recurring theme here???? 

My sweet fellow Chalk Paint™ Stockist, Bri
 in Lynchburg, Va, has shared
a fun technique using Alcohol Ink.
I simply rubbed the ink on the glass with felt pads and added some finger swipes of French gilding waxes.
I love the look of these glass vintage inspired.
You can find these inks in the scrapbooking/mixed media section of your local craft store.

I am also addicted to sheet music wreaths.
I love the idea of preserving these little pieces of musical history. They remind me that their was once a time when every American town had a small music shop with an assortment of the current hits in sheet music. Now it is all digital and downloads.

And did I mention that I enjoy my glass glitter????
Glittered crowns anyone???

Dear Janet...Germany called...they want their Glass Glitter back!

On the workshop front, I hosted a picture frame class. I called it "Picture This".
Here is my lovely group of ladies that I lovingly call my Lake Anna Ladies as they all drive up to Warrenton together to take workshops with me. See the tall pretty blonde on the right? They told me that on the ride to Warrenton, she swore up and down that she was NOT going to way, no how!
Well after she hunted down some beachy napkins, she decoupaged her little heart out.
She really got into it and did a beautiful job as did all the ladies.
We played with decoupage, Craqueleur , gilding waxes and dark wax.
Everyone went home with a masterpiece!

Love playing with fun techniques and Chalk Paint™ new favorite is using brown paper bag as a sanding tool between layers...buttery smooth, even over a rustic finish.
This sample board was done using Primer Red and Florence with clear and dark wax. A glaze of King Gold imported French gilding wax was brushed over the entire piece
So elegant! is the 'Apprentice' part of the post.
I have brought my oldest son Billy into the shop to assist me. 
Turns out he is a natural at painting and picking out colors.
This is the very first piece he ever painted with Annie's paints.
This old chair was given to me and it was in desperate need of a facelift.

Billy taped it off as we were going to use the chair as a Before and After example.
He decided on Paris Grey and doing 2 coats, only used about 1/4 of a cup of paint.
We painted right over the cracked leather seat.

Using a stencil and stencil creme from Royal Design Studio, Billy stenciled a lovely Fleur de Lis on the seat and seat back.

He took to waxing like a duck to water.

Here is the seat painted and waxed..soft and pliable.

Big Frog Tape removal and reveal...

I think he did a wonderful job.

He was on a roll....I picked up this sturdy vintage Heywood-Wakefield table at a local auction.
Billy suggested we paint it Old White and embellish the legs with handpainted rings of Provence and Versailles.

No taping off....As Annie says, handpainted unevenness is much more interesting.
Full reveal will be coming soon....I can say that it turned out so great. 
Very cottage inspired.

The Empty Nest is also very busy preparing for the arrival of Miss Mustard Seed, aka Marian Parsons.

Marian is visiting us on Saturday,December 15th from 12-2pm for an 'Inspired You' book signing. If you are anywhere within 50 miles, make a note to stop by and visit. Refreshments and fun will be offered.
Copies of 
Inspired You
will be available for purchase and signing.

Billy has really enjoyed playing with Marians paints.
He picked her Flo Blue for this well built accent table.

I call this my Ralph Lauren corner. Tricycle Red (many thanks Holly!)..Flo Blue and the plaid seat Ralph Lauren.

Here is a cottage dresser I have had in the shop since July and it had failed to speak to me...until last week.
In honor of Miss Mustard Seed's visit this month, I picked Kitchen Scale, which is a rich vintage farmhouse color. Billy mixed up the milk paint and started the painting, my very helpful and talented shop assistant Cheryl finished it and I clear & dark waxed it and distressed. The tops were painted in Chalk Paint™ Graphite and dark wax.
A little furniture bling on the two drawers and we called it a day on this piece.
So it went from ..."I don't know what to do with it" to "I love it".

I am planning an Annie Sloan WORKBOOK Workshop for January.
We will break open the paint cans and mix colors, try our hand at sketching and just have some creative fun!
I think Annie would love coming to a party like that...Annie, you are officially invited!
Well...that's it for now.
Until next kind and stay creative.

PS.....don't forget, you are all invited to my 
Holiday Open House 
here at 
The Empty Nest
92 Main Street
Suite 102
Warrenton, Va
Dec. 8th, Saturday
 Painting and sheet music ornament demo's will be offered along with festive refreshments.
Hope to see all of you!