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Monday, June 10, 2013

~ The Empty Nest is Featured in Romantic Homes! ~

Hello friends......I am so excited this morning, I am about to burst!
First I want to welcome any of you who are here via the Romantic Homes feature.
Very happy to have you here.
A while back I shared my Spring display window with 
Meryl Shoenbaum, the Executive Editor of Romantic Homes.
Meryl called me a few times and we shared some very nice conversations about my shop and what I was all about.
Meryl is a sweet woman and very easy to chat with. 
She suggested I send her some photos of The Empty Nest for possible inclusion in a future issue.
I did and 

my little shop in Old Town Warrenton, Virginia
 is beautifully featured in the July issue of
ROMANTIC HOMES!! talented son Sean got the photography credit!!
He is a fabulous photographer and videographer and deserves this little bit of fame.
Love you Sean!
Hey Margie.....your bed is in a magazine!!!!
Margie bought this Antoinette Pink French bed for her little girl.

Holly....look what made the cut...your sweet little painted stool.

This Nippon tea set is one my of favorite photos that Sean took.
I have a slight obsession with old Nippon china and this set is exquisite.

My lovely customer Faye 
will be happy to see the art deco dresser she just purchased was featured also.
While I was in New Orleans for the Annie Sloan Stockist Conference, 
I skipped lunch one day and did a phone interview with Malena Jaime, who wrote the article. 
I think Malena did a fabulous job of describing what The Empty Nest is all about.
No words were twisted and I think the style of my shop shines.
I am thrilled beyond words with the feature and love every single part of it.
But my favorite thing about this issue of Romantic Homes is that I am sharing it with.....

I had no idea that Annie was going to featured also...what a thrill!
My friend and mentor Annie Sloan and me featured together in the same issue
What more can a girl ask for?
Let me say...if you love to paint furniture or just love color and mixing colors,
you MUST pick up Annie's newest book
Color Recipes for Painted Furniture.
The Empty Nest carries Annie's books and you can find a more local Retailer by going to 

If you live in Poughkeepsie, sorry if the Barnes & Noble is sold out of Romantic Homes
I bought every single issue!
Many thanks to all of you for allowing me to gush a little.
I do feel like this smile will last all year!
So a big WELCOME to all you new readers.
 I hope you come visit The Empty Nest again.
Until next kind and stay creative.



  1. Congratulations, Janet- I am thrilled for you! How very, very wonderful. I have my copy but have not had a moment to go through it yet- xo Diana

  2. WOW...very proud to say I knew you when.....look at you now!...Will have to pick up a copy! Congratulations on all your success! Say HI to Bill and the boys!

  3. I am so happy for you and proud to call you my friend. But this doesn't surprise me at all. You are one of the most talented, generous, genuine and sweetest people I know. This is so well deserved! And the article describes you and your shop so well! (I've ready my copy a few times...and bragged about it also)

  4. Ditto what Donna said ... I am so proud of what you have accomplished, can't wait to see what else you have hatching in that uber-imaginative brain of yours, and I am very, VERY glad to call you my friend!

  5. Congratulations Janet! You deserve the recognition, I can't wait to get a copy:>)

  6. Just read the article today and said, "Hey--I know her!" You're so talented it was bound to happen! Congratulations!

  7. Congratulations Janet! Your work and shop is totally amazing! Love that Annie and you share a moment together! Saving my copy for you and Annie to sign someday when we meet!
    Anne Dees

  8. Congratulations, Janet! Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous... how terrible to not live close by to visit your beautiful nest. :o) I will be on the lookout for the magazine and am so excited for you!

  9. Fantastic! So very, very proud of you, you deserve every bit of glory coming your way. x

  10. I am looking for this information from long time.

  11. So happy for you Janet! I love your store and your kindnesses.
    I'll have to pick up a copy!

  12. Oh!! Oh!! Oh!! I just have to run out today to seek and purchase this magazine!!
    I'm so very excited for you!!

  13. Congrats!! What a thrill! I've got to go find it...

    Katy :)

  14. Congratulations, Janet. Well-deserved recognition. Everything you do is so.......classy and elegant!

  15. That is just so stinking exciting! Well done! And hooray for have a pro photog for a son. The pics are fabulous. Congratulations!

  16. Good for you, Janet! Your shop is wonderful, judging from all the pics you've shown us in the past. :-) Sue

  17. I enjoyed the July issue of Romantic homes and your story/interview! Everything is so beautiful so I thought I'd stop by your page to say hello! What a dreamy life!


  18. Can't wait to sit down with a cuppa and dig in to your article. It looks beautiful! They mentioned my blog in the same issue. Does that make us cousins?
    Cheers! Sylvie

  19. Wowee! My girl is really going places! Congrats, you deserve it :)

  20. I bought the magazine because of your article...and I'm sitting in the middle of Wisconsin enjoying your shop, workmanship, and blog!

  21. I bought Romantic Homes just because of this article. Wanted to see more of your painted furniture, shop, and blog as I am sitting in central Wisconsin!
