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Thursday, November 14, 2013

Chalk Paint® by Annie Sloan Snap and Share Contest!

Hello friends...can you believe I am posting twice in one week??? 
Well the reason for this post is a very good one.
Ever wish you had all 31 colors in the Chalk Paint® by Annie Sloan product line?
Well guess what.....You just may get your wish!!!
I am so very thrilled to share with you a fabulous Chalk Paint® promotion.
As a unique way to foster the Stockist/customer relationship, which Annie believes in very strongly, 
Annie Sloan Unfolded
is sponsoring what will be known as the

What do you need to do to enter....well it will be very simple.
Annie Sloan thinks that it is very important to meet and get to know your local Stockist.
Beginning November 25th, all you need to do is visit your local 
Chalk Paint® Stockist and have your photo taken in front of their 
Chalk Paint® display.
Then go to the 
(to be announced very soon)
and post your photo on the
 Contest Photo Gallery.
Now the fun part will start...
You will need to enlist..beg..or convince all your friends and family to head over to the 
Snap and Share Contest
 Facebook page and vote for you and your photo!
The photo that gets the most votes will be eligible to win a mega Grand Prize from 
Annie Sloan Unfolded.
Basically you will have an opportunity to win just about one of every product Annie Sloan offers
(minus the fabric line)
Imagine...31 quarts of paint...the waxes....brushes...books....Craqueleur..Floor Lacquer ..etc!
Just look at the photo of wonderful Chalk Paint® products!
So friends...get ready for this contest to go viral with excitement.
Now remember...the contest won't begin until November 25th!
So tell me.....are you feeling lucky??
Well...are you?

Until next kind and stay creative!


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