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My YouTube Channel

Sunday, February 25, 2018

The Romance of Fashion Art.....I'm hooked!

Hello friends and it is so nice to have you back here again.
 I want to introduce you to my newest obsession.....vintage fashion art!
These gorgeous sketches where usually created by the talented fashion houses of the Hollywood golden age, private designers and even dress pattern companies.

 Edith Head was an all-time favorite of mine when it comes to dressing Hollywood stars.
Just look at this stunning white chiffon and crystal gown.
The elegant and slender model adds to this designs allure.
These super tiny waistlines are crazy!!
They did, however, add to the romance of the design.
I decided to take a crack at painting some fashion images of my own.

What fun!!
It is so much fun to search the archives for these beautiful images and then try to recreate them.
I see many more in my future!

Until next kind and stay creative.
Janet xx

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