We have a few chickens this year and they seem to be very , very happy in their new home. We have never raised chickens before, so this is something really new for us. It has been a chore to keep the foxes away and boy ...do we have foxes! The added side benefit from the chickens is all the great poop that makes wonderful composted fertilizer. Our eggs are a huge jumbo size that barely fit in the egg carton. They taste so fresh and the yolks are so creamy when boiled..yum!
I get a kick out the funny shapes we get sometimes..the one on the right looks like a torpedo ;-)
Also started our blueberry picking this weekend. Early morning is the best time to pick. Our bushes are hanging heavy with fruit this year...the bees certainly have done their pollinating job this year. Some were the size of quarters and all so sweet. I smell Blueberry pie!!
Our radishes benefitted from our compost..some are the size of lemons. So crunchy and just enough spicy tang to them.
Our summer squash almost got too big before I got to pick them..saute them in a little olive oil with some onion and garlic.....so good. Our heads of garlic are a good size also this year.
So it seems all of my diligent , hard work of planting, weeding and watering is paying off big time. As you can see I have been blessed with a huge green thummmmmmmm,,kkjhfhgttjjjhdh.
So sorry for the typos......seems my nose just grew about 17 inches and is hitting the keyboard.
Ok...so I didn't grow any squash or radishes and I don't know anything about planting blueberry bushes. My sister-in-law in New York raises the chickens and that's her summer squash. The radishes I bought at a farmers market for $1.00 along with the garlic. I did handpick the berries at a fruit farm (surely that counts for something).
But HEY.......those two tomato's did come from my pitiful little 4 tomato/4 squash plot! Seems our intentions were good but we just never got around to planting the garden of our dreams. We would like to thank all those gardeners who have planted and worked their fields so we can benefit...thanks guys!
Until next time...I am off to enjoy some hard boiled eggs and wheat toast for breakfast. Enjoy the day!
Heehee! You get points for a hilarious post, you rascal :) Enjoy your eggs and toast :D
Thanks for sharing your "green thumb"! I've never grown a vegetable in my life, so I'm just like you! Enjoy your toast and eggs!
You had me going there...I thought "really, Janet has chickens?" I could see some of the veggie stuff but not the chickens...but you do have a thing for birds so it might work.
:) You had me going there! But, all kudos to the generous gardeners you know, and enjoy those lovely eggs. And well done on the tomatos!
Nonetheless great photos! always love a farmers market!
Ha ha! Love it :)
Too too funny...I really believed you...I was envying your blueberries...and wondering how you keep the foxes away...oh well, you have other talents going for you Janet...you're a wonderful designer and artist to envy!
What a hilarious post! As the trees in my yard have gotten bigger, my garden spot has shrunk...just not enought sunlight. And this year, my ONE gorgeous tomato so far was plucked, half eaten, and dropped...probably by a woodchuck.
Lovely photos!
Oh well...but you still have a cute brother!
so col I love planting something each year too, I got bell peppers , tomatoes, parsley, green onions, basil, rosemary and wow I forgot the name of the purple one!! the long one that looks a little like a zuchiny but is purple haha, I make it with ground meet and my 2 years old likes it! :-) your veggies look so yummy! congrats! ;-)
Lol, I was in awe of your garden!..till I read the rest of the post, lol.
Those are some crazy eggs your sister has.
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