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My YouTube Channel

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

~Please tell me it ain't so~

Hello friends....welcome!

So if you follow me on Facebook, you know that Carmen had her very first visit with her Veterinarian, Dr. Elaine Lutz.
She was so excited and she woke up extra early
so she could finish with breakfast...
primp a little and squeeze in some freaky cat playtime.
Yeah...morning is her time to zip through the house like an
Excela train! 

Carmen settled in to her new cozy carrier
and off we went on our big adventure.

Things did not go as planned and as you can tell from
 Carmens expression
and body language..
she is not happy!
Turns out she is 
6 months old as stated on her paper work.
Miss Carmen cringed as Dr. Lutz
looked in her mouth
only to announce that Carmen 
already had her adult teeth.
Then Dr. Lutz proceded to rub salt in the wound
and declared her to be at least 
That may not sound like a big deal to you, but this is cat years we are talking about!
Imagine going to the Dr. for a basic check-up
only to be told you are not 37...
but 45!!!!
Holy about depressing!
Carmen may need some time to get over this
and lot's of kitty snacks.

Last night she was patiently waiting her turn at the laptop so she could order
some Rogaine, wrinkle cream and a pair of Spanx .

Oh Boy!!!
Hope you are having a better week than Miss Carmen.
Until next kind and stay creative.

sharing with:
Hope Studios


  1. will she survive knowing that she is 3 months older then what she thought...she'll be in therapy for years....

  2. Clearly her girlish good looks are deceiving! I wonder what her secret is, she's obviously doing something right.

  3. Very cute. We had the opposite epiphany when we took our new kitty. We found out she was 3 months younger than we thought! We rushed right out and bought more toys. Sounds like Carment is lucky to have such an understanding mom to comfort her.

  4. Oh Carmen, I'm sorry you were taken by surprise but you don't look a day over 6 months. Remember age is just a number!

  5. that is amazing to be so far off in months. Adorable cat!


  6. She's still pretty cute for a middle aged woman! LOL

  7. What a darling way to tell your readers this story, I hope Carmen got to make that online order of that wrinkle cream and spanx, while she is at it can she order some extra for me!!!!!

  8.'s ok, Carmen. A mannerly person would never ask a lady's age so don't you worry. We'll keep your little secret.

  9. She's still pretty darn spry and soooo pretty (:

  10. Carmen is just about the cutest cat EVER!!! (Don't tell my cats I said this.) The rescue group did the best they could guess-timating her age ... she is a rather petite little sweetie. Besides, looking younger than you actually ARE is a good thing for a lady. :)

  11. How traumatic! Miss Carmen is a preteen now!
    lovely and funny post.

  12. A bit of tuna and cream should make her forget that indignity. It's the equivalent of chocolate for women:>)

  13. Well I don't know if this helps, but with dog years the first year is equivalent to the first year of a human's life, development wise. So at one year old, a dog is the same as one human year. After that, it averages out to about 7 dog years per human year, but not every year is quite 7. Some are more like 5, some more like 9-- it's an average. So maybe cats work kinda the same, and it really is just a few months difference for her since she's less than a year!

    1. Hi Lydia...I told Carmen this and she does feel better ;->

  14. Well, tell her it could be worse: When we took "Mario"--one of the kittens we rescued from a feral litter--into the vet for shots and neutering, the vet gave me a call: "Uh, Deborah? You might want to change her name to Mari..." I sexed her when she was just a wee one (my skills obviously needed some work), and didn't pay much attention after that. At least I was right about her brother, Luigi! Love the photo of Carmen on her back -- she poses beautifully!

  15. She is a beautiful girl no matter how old she is!

  16. LOL, the girlie secrets we all keep....My cousins thought their Mother was 64 when she went in for surgery, Dr. said she came through operation very well for a 75 year old woman. They live in Anchorage and she told them she had to come to Seattle every year for a checkup and had a face lift instead. Here's your the math. LOL

  17. She is a cutie!! And remember...a lady never tells her age! ;)

    Katy :)

  18. Crack me up, Janet! No, I wouldn't like to be told I was any older than what I am. Heck, in my mind, I'm still 27~ Age is a relative thing. I still feel young, don't you? LOL

  19. Carmen is such a darling wee soul!
