Friday, March 6, 2009

Good morning friends,I have been meaning to post this photo for a while now. While I was in Rhode Island last year, taking care of my sister Mary Sue, I looked out her back window and spotted this cute raccoon. Turns out it was a momma raccoon and she had started a family in the attic of the apartments behind us. She was so cute, every night she would leave the attic in search of food for her babies. She had a very precise route up the deck supports, down the railings and over to the dumpster. It was like Thanksgiving at the dumpster, enough food for a whole brood of raccoons. Sad to say the apartment managers decided that rather than move the mom and babies to a safe location in the wild, they called an exterminating company to come get rid of them. Get rid of them they did....very sad day for me and my sister. Totally uncalled for...they just could not be bothered to be a little compassionate. that I have cheered you up ;-) (sorry) I have some exciting news, for me anyway. I am having lunch with another Etsy shop owner today. We met online and tuns out she lives right around the corner! My husband was teasing me about my little E-Harmony online match up. I am looking forward to having a good Etsy talk. Well have to say adios for now. Have a great day and be kind.
P.S. ....It feels like spring outside!!!

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