Lovely evening ahead...maybe, maybe not......

Seems to be getting darker...quickly... should I be scared??

Ok...now I am getting nervous!

This is where I put the camera away and lock myself in my house. To all who live in my area, you felt the same last night. Tornado warnings, lightning, thunder, wind and much rain. Having lived 21 years in Houston, I am quite used to storms like this, but still hate to see them coming. Fortunately it came and went quickly and there was no damage. Funny...my husband was worried about the house and I was freaking out about my beautiful tall English Hollyhocks. Don't you love how the male mind is so very different from the female mind. However I was concerned about the lightning. When we first moved in to our newly built home, within two weeks, a bolt of lightning blew the top half of our brick chimney off....talk about scary!
Remember..friday is last day to enter my giveaway...winner will picked friday evening. Good Luck! Until next time..be kind and stay creative.
HOW CRAZY is this!!!! I can't believe how dark it got....as a city dweller who lived in a bunch of places around the US I've only been in the line of a tornado once and it scared the pants off me....oh and the thoughts and concerns you and your hubby had were priceless. Love it! I will be following what a fun blog
It was funny...he was running for the basement and I was staking up flowers!!!!
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