Monday, October 5, 2020

Can't draw, no problem. Sharing another fun art tool.

Hello friends, happy to see you here again. If you are new...welcome!
I get so many private 
messages from friends who tell me that they would love to paint like me, but they can't draw a stick figure.
I admit, there are subjects I can draw, and then there are subjects I feel totally inadequate at drawing.
Want to know a secret?
Many times I trace when I want to paint a subject that I don't feel confident to draw freehand.
Here is a good example of a traced design.
I recently purchased a pretty painted vintage frame that came with a magazine picture of a beautiful bouquet of roses.
I thought it would be fun to recreate it in watercolor.

On the left is the original magazine page and on the right is my watercolor.
Here is my final watercolor with added white and black inking added.
I share my inking tips in my previous post, so be sure to check that out 

This is what I used to trace this design. Cutterpillar Glow is an LED illuminated light board.
I can recharge it just like I do my cell phone and it has three light levels.
I purchased mine at a local quilt shop. 
I really love it. 

I simply lay down the image I want to trace and place a piece of watercolor paper over it.
The light shines through the image and enables me to trace the design with a pencil or Micron pen.
I can trace as little or as much of the design as I choose.
Here is my tracing.
If you are painting for your own pleasure, you don't need to be concerned about any copyright issues.
However, if you plan on selling or mass producing your art, be sure to honor any copyright requirements 
You never want to copy other artists' work for a profit.
Don't feel you need to spend money on a light board? No problem, you can also trace your design using common graphite paper. I have used graphite paper hundreds of times with great results.
Don't let your budget keep you from creating beautiful art!

Until next kind and stay creative.

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